Thursday, November 3, 2011

a word from the cat

Mwa-ha-ha-ha-ha!  I have sneaked onto the keyboard this morning! 

Life has been good.  The wood stove has been fired up since the snowstorm last weekend, and we have been basking in it's warmth in the chairs closest to the stove. 

I've made friends with the new, invader cat to the household.  We now share the bed of youngest human.  We have been curling up at the end of her bed, but now we think that we can work together to push her out of the bed and take it over for ourselves!  Ha-ha-ha-ha!  (That's Luna, cackling in the background)

We have an interloper who has been trying to take over our back yard.  He's a ginger cat.  We tried to jump him yesterday when he came sneaking into our yard, looking at our birds as his afternoon snack.  We're not sure how it happened, but somehow, we both ended up cornered up in the apple tree.  Youngest human had to bring a ladder to come and get us down.

Mom has been painting a lot.  She applied for 10 jobs in the last month, but has heard nothing  - no, not even a "we hired someone else, now go away" from anyone.  So now, she's painting.  We think it is a way to manage stress, but we are staying out of her way!  Personally, we think she'd be better off chasing some mice down in the back yard, or maybe rolling around on the floor with a catnip mouse, but what do we know?  We're just cats......

I'm going now.  I need to go keep an eye on Luna.  You never know what she might decide to do on her own if I'm not there to tell her what to do. 


*This was originally posted on my now defunct "Mom's View" Blog.

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