Monday, July 25, 2016

Monday Musings

Tiger enjoying some catnip!
This past week was our 26th wedding anniversary.  Thursday was our actual anniversary, but we didn't actually get to spend any time together except for a very groggy five minutes before husband left for work.  I had meetings in the morning, work in the afternoon, daughter had a doctor's appointment in the afternoon (husband took her), work after that, and middle child needed to be picked up from camp.  (Husband picked him up.)  Husband dropped daughter off at work before he left to get middle child, and I picked her up after she got off of work to get her home.  Keep in mind, I closed, and so did she.  I had one hour to make the journey between our two places of employment - a trip that frequently takes an hour or more during rush hour.  Thank goodness it was night, and that I took the "other" way home.  I found out Friday morning that the road I usually take home had been shut down just minutes before I got out of work due to an emergency.  Husband and I saw each other - and our kids - again late Thursday night - after 11:30.  Romance with kids, am I right?

We did get out this weekend!  We had dinner out, went to see the new Star Trek movie, and ran errands.  It is hideously hot out this weekend, so no hiking, no long romantic walks, but we did hit up the farmer's market together and had a sweet little breakfast at the new crepe place in town.  I've got a birthday coming up later this week, so the celebrations will continue through next weekend.  (I'm celebrating my 15th annual 36th birthday!  Who-Hoo!)

Hands down, my favorite line from the new Star Trek movie:
If a woman breaks up with you and says "It's not you, it's me"....It's you.

I also want to send a quick shout out to Karl Urban who does a FANTASTIC job of portraying Dr. McCoy.  If you are a fan of the original series, you have to love the job Karl does of holding true to the character as originally played by DeForest Kelley.  

Do you want to know what my romantic husband gave me for our anniversary?  He fixed the toilet.  Yep, now we no longer have to lift the lid & manually hold down the float until the tank fills with enough water to flush everything down.  Now THAT'S romance for you!

This past week has been the week of meetings, and this coming week will be also.  My meetings this week will take me all over the state.  I'll try and take some photos as I go and share them!  I tried to do that last week, but I never actually connected the dots.  I was more worried about getting to the meetings and making sure I had all necessary documents than I was about taking pictures.  Hopefully I'll do a better job this coming week!  I shouldn't be in as much of a hurry, so I should be able to roam around a little after each meeting is over!

Tiger was gifted some catnip by a young lady from church.  She had grown a lot of catnip from seed, and she gave us a pot to give with Tiger.  Luna won't touch the stuff - she's above catnip - but Tiger loves catnip, as you can see from the picture! 

The weather in the Mid-Atlantic this week is hot, hot, and more hot.  If you live in the area, be careful out in the heat of the day!  Make sure you stay hydrated.  I've been keeping the a/c set higher than usual in order to keep from straining the system, and we have the ceiling fans running full time to keep the air in the house moving.  It was hitting me yesterday that we really need to install a couple more in the house - but I am grateful for the ones we have!  They make a huge difference, help to keep the house cool, and keep our electricity bills down!

Enjoy your week!  Stay cool!

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