Saturday, February 3, 2018

2018 Resolutions - February Update

A little late this month!  So sorry, this week has been crazy beyond words.  I'm sitting here on this lovely chill morning, having been to the gym and now attempting to recover before heading on about my day and tackling the massive to do list.  Anybody watching the Super Bowl tomorrow?  

I started keeping track of me resolutions online a few years ago.  It keeps me focused when I check back in on them once a month.  I make more progress when I do it this way.  If I make a list and put it in a drawer, I tend to forget about it by the end of January. So, here's my list for this year!

1) Participate in the No-Spenduary Challenge
That begins this month!  We're already spending less since we have fewer kids living at home right now.  It's going to be fun to cut back!  All of our spare time will be spent getting those 40 bags of trash out of our house!

2) 40 Bags in 40 Days
Lent starts on Valentine's Day, and that's the official starting gun for the challenge!  Ready, set, clean the house!

3) Get Away With My Husband Twice
What did I read in the back of Debbie MacCombers last book?  They've begun their "Adventure before Dementia".  It's time for us to do the same.  Time to start knocking some places off of our bucket list!  We've made a plan for this year. 

4) Pay off 1 Big Debt 
Working on that right now...

5) Finish Daughter's and Husband's Quilt
Trying to finish off daughter's quilt before I pull out the sewing machine again.

6) Get out to visit Middle Child this year
Kansas is a ways away.  When are we going to get out there?

7) Replace the Roof on the House
We're missing shingles.  This is a high priority for this year.

8) Exercise MOST days during the week. 

I'm stuck at 3 days per week.  I need to get that up at 4 days per week.  I made a spreadsheet to track my progress on meeting this goal this month.  Not as good as I'd like.  Look at that - 13 Days out of 30.  Not even half of the days in the month.  I really need to fix that.

Sun. Mon. Tues. Weds. Thurs. Fri. Sat.

1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
82 29 30 31

9) Make SOME of my Christmas gifts this year.
In years past, I've hand made Christmas gifts for family members only to find that they threw out what I made.  From hand knit blankets and ponchos, to tote bags made with extra long handles and interior pockets, to quilts.... If you're going to give it away or throw it out, I'm not going to make it for you any more.  I've got to start thinking now about what I'm going to make for those who appreciate a hand made treasure.
10) Cut my grocery budget to $250/month. 

That will be a total of $3000 on groceries this year.

I didn't update this week.  I spent $25 on a produce box at the Farmer's Market on Saturday.  We ate mostly out of that box for this week.

So, for this month, this brings my total up to: $450
(over)/under budget for the year: (200)

11) Turn my yarn and fabric stash into something more... (but what?)
I took the dark red yarn and made it into a baby blanket for one of my co-workers!  I didn't have to buy any yarn, and I really like the pattern!  Even better, the yarn is one of those synthetic blends that can be thrown in the washing machine.  Always a plus when you've got something you're using around a brand new baby!

12) Take one item off of my Bucket List
A plan has begun to form in my head.  And it involves getting away with the husband.

13) Have one Media Free Day per week 
As I find myself having more and more problems with my laptop, this is getting easier and easier to do!  I'm going to have to replace the laptop soon, but in the meantime, I'm enjoying the laptop when it works, and taking advantage of the excuse to do other things when it doesn't work!

14) Visit 12 libraries I have never been to before 
Lawrence Public Library
Truman Library and Museum

I have a couple of professional goals I want to meet, too.  I'm not going to list them here, but they're in the back of my mind!
1) PG #1
2) PG #2

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