Monday, February 19, 2018


I have felt very much removed from the general flow of things lately.  I don't know why, but it seems as if my life is surrounded by chaos and drama.  I am not a chaotic or dramatic person, so I'm not certain how, exactly, this happened.  I don't gravitate towards drama and chaos, but lately it seems as if it's following me everywhere I go.

This Lenten Season, I have decided that I am going to be searching for Christ in all the usual places - and a few unusual ones, too.

I began with Ash Wednesday.  I went to church, but not my church.
It was a solemn service, filled with all of the tradition, pomp, and circumstance that my heart desired.  At the end of the service, we were each given a small prayer touchstone - a small piece of fired clay that fits in my pocket.  When I find it in my pocket, I am reminded to send up a quick prayer.

I've been to a Labyrinth on the grounds of the Retreat and Conference Center at Bon Secours.

I made a very nice porcelain bowl that I donated to the Empty Bowls dinner sponsored by the Human Services Organization in our county.

I've signed up to attend a Sacred Drum Circle.

In an attempt to get back to my roots, I'm visiting the churches of my youth - Baptist, Catholic, and Lutheran.

It promises to be a very different kind of Lent for me this year!  I am hoping that I can find my center, and redefine my relationship with the Holy in the process.

I'll be posting pictures here and there from my Lenten journey.  No words, just pictures.

A Reflective Lent to you.....

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