Monday, October 24, 2016

Monday Musings

Extra Shifts
So, I picked up a few extra shifts over the last week.  As in, every single day for the last 10 days, I've worked at least 4 hours.  It's nice, and it's really going to help get the money set aside for the renovation of the hallway bathroom.  It's nice to have a job that allows me to pick up some extra hours around my existing schedule!

Teal Pumpkins
If you have a child with life threatening allergies, Trick or Treat can be a challenge - a life threatening challenge.  It doesn't have to be!  Find some non-food, allergy friendly treats and hand those out for Halloween!  I've tried hard not to hand out candy - I have a sad history of eating too many of those treats.  In the past, I've handed out pencils, stickers, bubbles, and the little gift cards to fast food restaurants that cover a treat.  When we lived in our old, kid laden neighborhood, I would pick up school supplies as they went on sale, and then pack little baggies with pencils, stickers, erasers, etc.  Any leftovers went to our local homeless shelter the next morning.

Chili Cook Off
Have you ever entered a chili cook off as a cook?  I think I might try this weekend....  We have a chili cook off coming up at church.  I think my chili is pretty good.  Maybe I'll gain fame outside of my own family?

Update on Coquito
Little Coquito, of Life in Amy's world has Leukemia.  He was in the hospital for a month, home for a couple of days, and is now back in the hospital again.  Please keep him and Amy in your prayers.  It's a tough road to hoe as he struggles with his numbers (blood work) - and there's the ever present risk of infection.

The election is almost here.  In many states, early voting has already begun.  I hope that you take the time to research the candidates in your area - and that you are putting serious thought into who will be receiving your vote. If you don't participate in the process, you aren't allowed to complain!

Maytag Wringer Washing Machine
I have an old, working wringer washing machine in my basement.  I'd like to sell it to someone who would appreciate it, or could use it.  Aside from putting it in my front yard with a "for sale" sign on it, do you have any suggestions as to how to safely sell it?

Someone Broke Into My Car
When I'm in a hurry, and it's early in the morning, I'll fill a travel mug with oatmeal and almond milk.  It's a relatively thin mixture of oatmeal, and I can sip it while I'm driving.  It allows me to arrive at my destination on time and with food in my stomach.  Unfortunately, I have a very bad habit of leaving said mugs in the car long past their expiration date.  About two weeks ago, I was headed off to staff day for work.  I grabbed my travel mug full of oatmeal and headed out the door.  I left it in the car and forgot about it until last Monday - when I opened the door to the car, the smell almost knocked me over.  Somebody had broken into my car.  I'm assuming they were looking for loose change.  They opened the lid on my travel mug - the lid was on the dashboard - and the mug with it's spilled contents as all over the floor mat on the passenger side of the car.  YUCK.  Thankfully, I was able to pull out the floor mat and wash it out.  The weather was warm enough that between the Febreeze and the open windows, most of the smell dissipated. 

To whatever jerk broke into my car - I hope that smell haunts you for days.....

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