Saturday, April 15, 2017

Monday Musings

It's been a while since I've sat down and reminisced about the past week.  I think at this point, I'm going to have to go back and think about my past month!  It doesn't seem like much has happened, but when I think over all the little things a lot of big things have happened.

Happiest of Easters!

Two of our kids were home for the weekend.  It's not as nice as all 3, but I'll take it!  Considering oldest child begins finals in a week, I understand his hesitation to come home for the weekend.  It would definitely put a crimp in your study plans for finals!  We're going to swing up and grab him the week before graduations, and then he's going to hang out with us for a while after graduations so that we'll all have time to spend together before middle child begins working in the real world.

The Zombie Gospel
Our pastor was reading the Communion Liturgy on Holy Thursday when he made a most interesting slip up...
The liturgy reads "Jesus came to feed the hungry and heal the sick"
What he said "Jesus came to eat the sick"

One of the most solemn moments of the liturgy in one of the most Holy moments of the year quickly became one of the most hysterical.

He stopped himself and said "I guess I've been watching too much Walking Dead lately!"

I still laugh every time I think of that moment!

Bathroom Renovations Begin
So, since the Property Brothers have ignored my repeated requests to come out and help us renovate our 1970's extravaganza of a bathroom, we've met with the contractor and signed paper work.  We've already done a lot of the work ourselves.  (Removal of the tiles around the bathtub.)  He's going to do a lot of the work, but we've got a fair share to do ourselves in order to keep our costs down.  We need to paint the ceramic tile to look like white ceramic tile.  And we've got to replace the baseboard heater in that bathroom.  It rests on the floor, so we need to replace it BEFORE the new floor is laid down.  The goal is to have all of this finished before Mother's Day.  Do you think the goal will actually be met? I don't!!!  It's going to be a very hectic month!

(Hey Jonathan and Drew- don't worry, we have so much more that needs to be done around here.  If you're looking for something fun to do, let me know.  I've got some thoughts about replacing the roof and adding a front porch to the house next year... I'd love to have your input.  Honestly, if anyone from HGTV would like a shot at helping us update a 1970's rancher, we'd love to have your help!)

Cancer Sucks
I've lost family members to cancer.  I've had friends struggle with cancer.  But this week has truly sucked.  A friend of mine, Barbara, entered Hospice this week.  Barbara is 55 years old.  She's been living with cancer for 17 years.  Her husband died of brain cancer 8 years ago.  Her oldest son died at the age of 3 from cancer.  Her second son went through a go round with cancer when he was seven.  he's been in remission for 20 years.  She has two younger kids who are cancer free, but they are young to be left as orphans in this world.  One is graduating from college next month, and the other is a sophomore in college.  God Almighty, that family has been plagued by cancer.  Many prayers that the children experience peace in the upcoming days and month.

Welcome to the Night Vale
Now this is a fun set of Pod Casts.  It's off beat, slightly wacky and imaginatively fun.  Having said that, I'm enjoying listening to it.  I found it through the library - it was recommended listening.  Now that I've started listening, I don't know if I can stop until I finish all 105 Episodes.  Great, first there was Game of Thrones (which I just now caught up on - I'm ahead of the books I've read now, and I no longer know what's going to happen next or the motivation of the characters.  I seriously need to get back to reading the books.) and West World (3 more episodes to go) and now there's Night Vale.  Seriously, you story tellers out there need to stop doing such a good job!  How is a librarian supposed to concentrate on just one thing when you all keep cranking out such awesome tales?  You can find Night Vale here:

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