Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Busy Morning

Years ago, I wrote this piece from the point of view of Tiger. Enjoy!


This has been a particularly busy day for me today.  The morning began when I gently sat upon the chest of my human.  When she refused to open her eyes, I gently batted her face with my paws.  She rolled over and knocked me to the floor.  Silly human!  As if throwing me to the floor could prevent me from stalking her! 
Since patting her on the face didn't seem to work out so well, I had to resort to other, less civilized (but much more effective) means of waking her up.  I bit her toes.

Once she was out of bed, I moved on to the next of my victims.  Humans number two and three were still snoozing gently in their beds.  I love these two boy humans.  They feed me, they scratch me, and every once in a while, they will get me my favorite treats.  I was so excited at the prospect of them playing with me before they caught the ride in the large yellow limousine at the corner, I jumped on top of each one of them until they began moving. 

After I woke everyone in the house up, I insisted that they let me outside.  I stood by the kitchen door, scratching and meowing until they opened the door.  Once the door was open, I stood and sniffed the breeze.  Since it was rather chilly out this morning, I quickly turned around and went back inside.  My young girl human had just moved out of her bed, so I quickly slid into the warm place under the covers that she had left just for me.  Ahhh... it was so nice and warm, I quickly fell back asleep.

When the two boys left for the big yellow limousine, I followed after them.  I went outside and walked with them just to the edge of the driveway.  They went to the left to walk to the corner of the street.  I turned to the right and quickly darted into the special slot in the street made just for us cats.  You know, there are several of them along the sidewalks.  They are about 3 feet wide, and several inches high.  There is a big slab of white rock over the top with a hole like a circle in the top, covered with another brown circle.

I stood on the ledge just inside of the fort and waited until the yellow limousine safely picked up my boys, and then I proceeded furthur underground into the maze that is the fort. 

My girl goes to the right at the end of the driveway to catch her yellow limousine.  You see, I go through the maze and wait for her near her waiting place.  While she is standing and waiting with her friends, I reach out with my lightning fast paw and grab shoelaces.  My goal for the morning is to untie all of the laces without being seen before the yellow thing comes.  It was a good morning for me.  I untied all 10 pairs of laces without being detected!  Boo-Yah!

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