Wednesday, May 3, 2017


Sweet little kitty with the heart of a warrior.


Tiger passed away last week at the grand age of 15.

He followed my daughter down to the bus stop when she was in Kindergarten.  He was trying to catch the straps on her back pack.  He watched her climb onto the bus, and then he followed me home.  I opened the door, and he darted inside and climbed into the dryer, on top of the nice warm laundry, and refused to move out.

We posted signs all over the neighborhood, but nobody ever claimed him.  He stayed in our house and became a part of our family.  For 15 years, he's been there with us, a part of our family, always in the middle of everything.  He allowed the kids to dress him in doll clothes and push him around in the stroller.  I can't even begin to tell you how much I miss this little guy.  He's been with me through so much - a mainstay when my Dad passed, and the furry little pillow who would get up when I had trouble sleeping and insert his purring little self up under my hand.  He always knew when I had a bad day, and he would just sit with me, purring and licking my hands and face until I felt better.

I am really going to miss that little kitty.

Old Posts about Tiger

A Word From the Cat
August 19, 2011
November 3, 2011
July 5, 2013
July 25, 2013
September 28, 2013
January 15, 2013
January 28, 2014

Taking the Cats to the Vet

From the Cats
July 20, 2012

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