Monday, November 8, 2021

National Parks Passport

We love visiting our National Parks. A couple of years ago, we decide we were going to get a Passport and start filling it with stamps. We should have done it years ago when the kids were little, but we just never did find the time to pick one up.  Now that the kids are grown and out of the house, we are making a concerted effort to visit all of the parks - even the ones we visited with little kids. The passport is a nice way to keep track of the parks we have visited. The stamps give us the date we were there. I love stickers, so many times I will pick up stickers from the State Parks we visit and add them to the passport just for fun. The passports are text heavy, so I have been known to put the stickers over some of the text. 

This year we were able to get to Harper's Ferry, Acadia, and Gettysburg. I'm looking forward to adding several new stamps this next year! 

In 2019, we gave each of our children parks passports for Christmas. This year they were able to get their first stamps in their passports. Each one of them texted me pictures as they added their first stamps into their passport.

Attendance at our National Parks has been up dramatically over the past year. The park staff has been stretched thin attempting to keep up with visitors I think it's great that so many people are discovering the wonders of our parks!

Did you know that by purchasing a Parks Passport you are supporting our parks? You are helping to support them! If you do frequent any of our National Parks, please support them however you can!

Stickers and stamps from our day trip to Harper's Ferry this summer.

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