Set in tranquil Moose County, The Cat Who Sniffs Glue is a delightful, light little mystery that involves the death of a banker and his wife pits Qwill and his cats- Koko and Yum Yum a run for his money. While the book does not offer any unexpected plot twists, it does off a glimpse into a simpler way of life.
The Cat Who mysteries reflect a simpler time, and a simpler way of life. This book was originally published in 1988. Braun published over 20 Cat Who... mysteries. Her first Cat Who books were published in the 60's, but she stopped writing them after she published the first two books because her editors were demanding more sex, and Braun did not want to lower her books to this level. She began publishing the books again when she retired from newspaper writing.
I've always enjoyed the very simple way of life and time. Moose County is an idyllic little world in the middle of all of our own insanity. I like to imagine that their is a place somewhere in this world where libraries have cats roaming through the stacks, the newspaper prints news stories about wild turkeys, and the towns have crazy little names and crazy little stories.
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