Friday, October 10, 2014

Swiss Chard

I had bought a beautiful bunch of Swiss Chard a couple if weeks ago.  I had delightful plans for that Chard, involving a gratin with some Sweet Potatoes.  

They've since laid in the back of the fridge, alone and forgotten for almost 2 weeks.

They were limp & lifeless, & I hated to throw them out.  So, I decided to stick them in a glass of water to see if they can be revived.

These were the sad & sorry greens.  Luna is attempting to give them some love.

This morning, THIS is what my greens looked like:

Beautiful, aren't they?  I sorted them out into 2 separate jars, and here is what they look like now:


I can't wait to try this recipe!

It's going to be great!  Quinoa & Sweet Potatoes  & Chard!  Can't wait'

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