Saturday, January 29, 2022

Bean Bowl

In my quest to go to the grocery store as little as possible, we made bean bowls this week. Some of you might call them Protein Bowls.)  Whatever you call them, I call them a quick and easy dinner to put on the table on a weeknight.

I started with the Tejano Beans we had made earlier in the week.  

We cooked up some rice, and sliced up an onion. I had leftover Vegan Cheese Shreds in the fridge, along with salsa and some guacamole.  If I'd had bell pepper in the fridge, I would have added that, but I really am working on staying away from the grocery store.

When everything was layered into the bowl, we had a pot of warm and comforting goodness that was perfect for a winter night.  Since we were using leftovers, our total time to put this together was the time that it took us to cook the rice.  20 minutes.

The Tejano Bean Recipe - this is not my recipe, but it is as close to what I remember my Mom making as I've ever gotten!

Other Stuff:

1 cup of rice, uncooked

Vegan Cheese Shreds



Bonus Items I found in the fridge:



Feel free to mix this up however you want.  If you've got some incredibly wonderful variation you'd like to share, post it below!

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