Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Mission Trail in San Antonio

 San Antonio. Such a beautiful city. It is the home where my mother was born, and it’s my ancestral family home. For the first time in years, I was able to get back down there. I was able to visit my grandparents grave, and pay my respects to Moms brothers who were buried near by. It was wonderful! We spent time walking up and down the Riverwalk and the neighborhoods around the Riverwalk as well as the Mission Trail.

The Mission Trail was awesome! 5 missions that were built about 300 years ago. Each mission was integral to the community, providing a community protection and trade. They were absolutely beautiful. We enjoyed walking around each of the missions. Some were in better shape than others, but each mission property had something beautiful and worth exploring.

The best part of all?  I was able to meet up in the park with some of my cousins and we were able to catch up with each other. It was just so much fun! 

I’ve included pictures from the Mission Trail below. Enjoy!

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