Friday, June 17, 2022

A New Lawn Mower

About 5 years ago, our riding lawn mower quit working. It was well over 40 years old. There comes a point when no matter how much maintenance you perform on a lawn mower, it's just not going to work.  We were well past that point. 

We live on almost an acre, and for the last 5 years, husband has been mowing that lawn with a push mower because "he was able to do that when he was a kid and lived in that house."  Keep in mind, he was in his teens then, and it's been at least 30 years.  

For the past 2 years, I've been fussing at him so much because I thought it was too dangerous for him to keep that up on 100* days at his age.  So, he took to mowing the lawn on days when I was at work.  

For father's day this year, I got together with the kids and we bought him a new riding lawn mower. It was delivered on Saturday and that man has been so happy ever since!  Unfortunately for him, it rained all day Saturday. But Sunday afternoon after the grass had a chance to dry, he couldn't wait to get out and mow the lawn.

While he had complained non-stop that the kids thought he was too old to mow the lawn the "old fashioned" way anymore, he couldn't stop singing the praises of that lawnmower.  What had been a week long rotation of "I can cut this much and then the mower runs out of gas" was complete in an hour.  ONE HOUR!  We were actually able to eat dinner together!

It might not seem like much, but after 5 years, it really is a big deal.

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