Wednesday, February 18, 2015

40 Bags in 40 Days

One of my friends posted this on her Facebook page this morning.  The blogger who originated the idea is Ann Marie from the White House Black Shutters blog.

In a nutshell, the idea behind this project is to clear out your house, and get rid of 40 bags of stuff during the 40 days of Lent.  The bags can go anywhere:  Goodwill, the dump, consignment stores, preschools, homeless shelters.  The idea is to get 40 bags of  *stuff*  out of your house.  How cool is that?  You can combine spring cleaning along with some Lenten sacrifice!

Take a good look at Ann Marie's blog:

I've got my first bag finished today.  It's a small bag, and it's headed off to Goodwill this afternoon!

A Lenten challenge I can really get into!  Will you join me?

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