Wednesday, July 15, 2015

It's finally here!

This arrived in my mailbox yesterday! I have been eagerly anticipating the arrival of this book for months, and counting down the hours until the mail truck came by our house. The boys had to run to the laundromat yesterday afternoon to run a load of laundry through before middle child went back to camp today. The mail was delivered while I was gone. Daughter had also been counting down the hours until the mail was delivered. As soon as the truck pulled up to the mailbox, she ran down and retrieved our book. She began reading it before I got home. When oldest child saw what she was reading, the two of them laid down on the floor, with the book between them. Daughter reading from the right side of the book, and Oldest son reading from the left side, and the pages in the middle held up between them.

Daughter finished last night, but oldest child still had a little less than half the book to go. When we all got back home from work today, oldest child squirreled himself away with the book in his room.

I can't wait to get my hands on that book! I hope to have it in my hot little hands later tonight!

This reminds me a lot of when the Harry Potter books were released!

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