Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Move In Day #2

The van, loaded for delivery #2.

We began our morning at 7 am.  We had loaded the car with everything except electronics the night before.  I woke the kids up at 6, and we were on the road at 7 am.  We got there well before check in time began.  The University had blocked off the entrance to the dorms & on campus apartments, so we sat in the line of parents who were waiting for the official opening.  We were #3 in line.  Promptly at 9 am, the blockade was lifted, and the police motioned us through. 

View to the bedrooms from the living room.

Middle Child and his friends are living in an on campus apartment this year.  The boys are on the first floor - which made move in a breeze for us!  We unloaded all of his stuff in front of the apartments while he checked in, and daughter stood guard while I moved the car to the "designated family parking lot".  By the time I got back (1 mile walk....) son had checked in and begun moving stuff into his room one armload at a time.  I took over being the guard human while he and daughter hauled the rest of the stuff into his apartment. 

Middle Child's room

Each boy has their own bedroom.  It's a tiny little space - not that much bigger than the bed and the desk.  The dresser is inside of the closet.  How much space does one boy need if it's all his?  If you look out his window, you can see the line of cars outside.  That white van didn't move at all in the hour we were unpacking the stuff and putting it away.  When we left, we saw a tow truck backing up to one of the three cars that were parked, blocking the roadway.  I'm so very, very glad that we were there early and unloaded that car before the hordes arrived!

The kitchen/dining room combo.  THAT's a teeny-tiny kitchen!

The view from the back wall by the refrigerator out to the front door.

You know, for on campus living, this space is decent.  The boys are happy to have the kitchen, but they are planning on eating in the dining hall.  The kitchen is a little too small to do a lot of cooking, but they are planning on cooking breakfast on Saturday and Sunday mornings.

While daughter is not going to this school, she has a lot of friends who are starting their freshman year at this school.  They moved in on Saturday.  She met up with them at the student center and they sat and chatted for a while after she finished helping with her brother.  

Once the other boys began to arrive and move their stuff in, I joined daughter and her friends at the student center and asked how their "Freshman Experience" went for them.

Daughter and I were back home in the Burg by 1, and she spent the afternoon with her boyfriend.  (He's moving into college on Thursday.) 

You know, I'm not sure how I'm dealing with all of our little chicks leaving the nest thing.  I keep saying it's going well, but it's a lot of change.

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