Thursday, August 20, 2015

Interview Madness

Have you ever gone for an interview where everything went wrong?  That happened to me earlier this week.

1) The interview was originally scheduled for Thursday afternoon.  Monday afternoon, I get a call asking me to change the interview to Tuesday.  They wanted me to come in during the morning - but I can't get off of work in the morning.  Long story short, we switched the interview to the afternoon.

2) I carefully dress at home, and leave for work.  It's wicked hot and humid, and I turn on the a/c in the van, only to find out that the air that we had fixed 2 weeks ago IS NOT WORKING.

3) Leaving work at noon, I realize I have a spot on my shirt.  My husband tells me now that it's not noticeable - but at the time, I panicked!!!  Add in a quick stop at Wal-Mart to pick up a clean white shirt.

4) Go to the nearest public library to change my shirt.  The bathroom by the front doors is broken.  Like some creeper, I had to go use the potties in the children's section.. Couldn't change and get out of there fast enough. 

5) Pull out the deep purple shirt I'm planning on wearing over the white shirt and realize it is deeply wrinkled and smells kind of funny.  Back to Wal-Mart to pick up some wrinkle release /deodorizing spray.

6) With all of the windows open, traveling 65 miles an hour down the highway, it is a balmy 85 hot and humid degrees in the car.  I look a mess.  My carefully coiffed hair looks like something even Medusa wouldn't claim.

7) Get lost twice on the way to the building.  It's so new it doesn't show up on my GPS.

8) Good news - the wrinkle release spray worked on my shirt.  Bad news - it's like 100* in the parking garage.  I find a library, and go inside and do my best with my hair.  I pull it up into barrettes.  I hate the look, but it's better than sweaty Medusa hair.  Due to the wonderful nature of the air conditioning in my car, my face is bright, bright red.  I sit at a table in the back corner of the library and fan myself with a periodical until 20 minutes before my interview begins.

9) Realize at the end of the interview that I forgot to bring my list of references with me.  Way to look professional, girl friend.  (You know, in case if the Medusa hair, bright pink face, and sweat stained shirt under a deep purple overshirt and the faint smell of sweat don't convey that professional look enough already.)

10) Finally leave the interview - it's close to 3:30 now, and I still haven't had lunch.  Find the Starbucks down the street library and have their most amazing Omega 3 Bistro Box - smoked salmon cream cheese, wheat free crackers, nut mix, endamame hummus and cucumber slices and have a veritable feast while enjoying their artificially cooled air.

I'm pretty sure that this interview was probably the WORST interview I've ever had.
You know, my current job isn't really all that bad....

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